Are you ready for some Design Support and Inspiration?

You believe that design is at the heart of effective branding

BUT you don't have the creative eye or the time or patience to be fiddling around with all the little details.

You want to focus on your zone of genius

BUT you're noticing the DESIGN & CREATIVE part of your business (that you do value) is becoming an energy sucker for you as this simply isn't your zone of genius.

You are in a drought of creative inspiration

BUT you know that once inspiration strikes, your creative energies start to flow again. Could it simply be an energising 'creative conversation' that you need to get you back on track?


Creative Branding & Design can help you stand out from the crowded market, attract your ideal client, reflect your brand's vibe and personality and showcase the unique essence of your business.


  • You invite in a compassionate creative partner that offers design skills, passion and strategic guidance.
  • You receive help with your creative decisions ensuring that each choice aligns with your long term vision
  • You feel more confident in your brands presentation and direction
  • You no longer sit in a space of instagram grid shame or worse still, being MIA (missing in action) leaving followers wondering if you are operating anymore.
  • You ooze the kind of energy about your offerings that attracts aligned souls.
  • You have more time to work in your zone of genius by handing over your design work to someone who loves this part as much as you love your heart led business.


You will be confident in your brands presentation and direction. You will be able to share your offerings with clarity, passion and purpose so you can attract, connect and serve those that you intended your business for in the first place.

Are you ready to invite in some compassionate creative support so you can spend your time working in your zone of genius, whilst trusting that your brand will continue to be presented in an inspiring and creative way.

My Design offerings include

Canva Creations

If you have something you'd like created or beautified but don't have the time, patience or skill to create it. It might be a set of tiles for socials, an ebook, marketing materials.

Hourly rate or Quote per job

$65 per hour

Insta Clarity Session

Ultimate Strategy session. We talk holistically about your business and how to use all the features to share your message and connect with your audience. We will audit your current account,talk strategy, hashtags, keywords marketing strategies and hacks.

$280 for 1.5 hr + 1 week Voxer

Insta Impact (Design & Strategy)

Its the INSTA CLARITY SESSION plus Design work. After our 'Clarity session' I will begin work on your instagram account, complete with designed highlights, your 3 pinned posts, BIO, and the first 9 posts done for you + editable canva templates


Website Design

Time to take up some space with a valued web presence and showcase your offerings with your own 5 page website custom designed with as many back and forths adjustments as required until you are happy to go live.

NOTE: Hosting costs are seperate


Pure Vision Style Package

All things styling. Consciously and creatively bring your Brands Vibe and Vision to life through its LOGO, Style elements such as fonts, colour palette and Moodboard. Your Style guide and Logo will become a powerful recognisable identity of your Business.

$880 2.5 hr session + design

Creative Playtime Session

Let's allow ourselves to get a little messy by playing with paints and art materials to explore the essence and creative spirit of our business.
This fun exploration through an ART THERAPY experience will allow your creative flow and inspiration to arrive

$225 1 hr session + 1 wk voxer

Creative Conversations

An holistic, creative and energising conversation. We talk about your business, YOU, your why and bounce creative inspiration, jot down the ideas and get some creative momentum going. All the good ideas will flow

1 hr session + 1 week of voxer

$225 1 hr session + 1 wk Voxer

Creative Buddy in your Pocket

You can find me in your back pocket. Over Voxer. You can share your ideas, ask questions (all things design, branding and mindset), bounce your ideas and simply have someone to celebrate with and share your excitement.

$1200 for 12 mths

Soul Mapping for Business

Creative mentoring over 3 x 1 hr sessions using design theories, conscious conversation, curious questions and guided meditation to clarify your brand voice, vision & values.

Notice the benefits of creative conversation and intentional planning

$1200 + 3 sessions + 6 wks voxer

Dear Heart Led

I wanted to let you know that I see you

I see the heart and soul behind the scenes, that goes into your heart led offerings

The self doubt and burn out (at times) as you juggle the 100 balls that is running your own small business. Getting your message and face out to the world consistently. Keeping your message and presence fresh and aligned can feel overwhelming at times.

You are inspired by others but sometimes the comparisonitis takes over in this space.

You lead and live from you heart as you allow your values to authentically guide your own life and your business.

You love what you do so much that you couldn't imagine life without your work and business.. it's part of you.

I hope to support you so your imagery, design and brand speak abundantly about you, your business, your offerings... and encapsulate your SOUL ESSENCE

I do not take our crossing of paths for granted, however completely in awe of the serendipitous connections that continue to arise in life.

When we work together, I imagine we will connect heart to heart, as we speak the same language and are on the same page

The idea is for your images and intentional planning to be a beautiful reminder to yourself that you are leading and living from your heart

The light in me, sees the light in YOU!

Soul to Soul - Eye to Eye

Love, Mel.O xo


from some of my heart led tribe

love notes (a.k.a testimonials)

Buzzing with excitement

“During our sessions I am buzzing with excitement, afterwards I feel growth happening which can be uncomfortable and overwhelming but Mel is there to help and encourage me to keep moving forward.

- Wendy -”

01 / 13


Meet mel.o

Mel is a multi passionate, creative, adventurous & sensitive soul from Ocean Grove.

Through an inspired life of Connections, Art, Photography & Education she has invited in deeper awareness with her world & essence.

‘Splash of Life’ allows Mel to combine her passions, learnt life lessons, continual conscious self growth & extensive creative, photographic, Art educator & space holding experience to compassionately & creatively support Heart Leds on their evolving journeys.

Her heart has led her to here!


Can I support you?

Has your business been created from a place of bliss, purpose and passion?

Heart Leds that I have and wish to serve


Are you an ethical or sustainable fashion brand?

Look books, website images and online store imagery are well beyond the old plain white backgrounds. Lets create with all the good feels


I love shooting for practioners and coaches in health, wellness & healing spaces.

We speak the same language, it is felt and received. Visually and wholeheartedly sharing your offerings to the world.

It's a perpetual and empowering gift that you offer.


I'm a creative through and through. I know what it is like to get in creative flow. Where time becomes irrelevant. Lets bliss out together, as we create some magic. Calling.. Interior designers, artists, authors, florists, illustrators, performers, film makers.

The world would be a boring place without your creative soul.


Supporting others to nourish themselves. All the good feels arise during your yoga class, sound healing, massage experience, treatment or womens retreat.

Thank you for all that you do and all that you are

INTIMATE & enchanting STORES, CAFES and Retreat Spaces

Our favourite places to hang out are those created with love. Unique, quirky, cosy, inspiring and intimate spaces. You have something so special to share.... Calling wholefood store & cafe owners, gift stores, books stores, crystal stores, holiday resorts and retreat spaces.

"She heard the whispers of something awaken inside her, and she knew that she could no longer stay hidden, her heart wanted more for her and her business and it was time to move into alignment with her highest expression, creativity and truth. She was ready for her SOUL ESSENCE to shine bright"

She packed her courage and stood her ground and was now unshakable in her belief that

her business was of great value to others and it needed to be shared with clarity, passion and confidence.

And she knew that the only person who could take the first step was herself


- Splash of Life -