The perfectionism & procrationation trap and how it could be holding you back

Hey, beautiful souls! Today, let's get real about something we’ve all faced—perfectionism and procrastination. These sneaky culprits can sabotage our best intentions and keep our light from shining bright. I’ve been there, and I want to share my journey and insights with you.

When I first started my business, I wanted everything to be perfect. The perfect website, the perfect posts, the perfect products. But here’s the thing—perfectionism is a trap. It kept me stuck in an endless loop of tweaking and revising, never feeling ready to put myself out there.

I learnt along the way that 'perfectionism' had a huge impact on me and my business growth. Here a few things I noticed and allowed myself to get curious about

Paralysis by Analysis:

I spent so much time analyzing every detail that I ended up doing nothing. Sound familiar? Perfectionism can paralyze us, making it impossible to move forward.

Missed Opportunities:

Waiting for the perfect moment often means missing out on opportunities. I learned that there is no perfect time, only the time we make.


The constant striving for perfection is exhausting. It drained my energy and dimmed my passion.

Fear of Failure:

Perfectionism is often rooted in fear. Fear of making mistakes, fear of judgment. But mistakes are where the magic happens—they’re opportunities for growth and learning.

My Battle with Procrastination: Hand in hand with perfectionism is procrastination. I would put off tasks because they didn’t feel perfect enough to start. It was a vicious cycle of delay and self-doubt.

I started to notice the impact that 'procrastination' also had on me and my business growth

Stalled Progress:

Procrastination keeps us stuck. I saw my dreams and goals drifting further away because I wasn’t taking action.

Increased Stress:

The looming deadlines and unfinished tasks created a constant undercurrent of stress. It was hard to focus on my creative purpose with that weight hanging over me.

Loss of Confidence:

The longer I procrastinated, the more my confidence eroded. I began to doubt my abilities and question my worth.


Realising the impact of perfectionism and procrastination was a game-changer. I knew I had to break free to truly shine. Here’s what helped me:

Embrace Imperfection:

I learned to love the imperfect. It’s the quirks and flaws that make us unique. Your audience doesn’t want perfect; they want real. Embrace the messy, the raw, and the authentic.

Take Small Steps:

I started taking small, consistent steps forward. Progress over perfection. Every little step counts and builds momentum.

Set Realistic Goals:

I set achievable goals and celebrated every win, no matter how small. This helped build my confidence and kept me motivated.

Shift Your Mindset:

I shifted my focus from fear to growth. Mistakes became lessons, and every setback was a setup for a comeback.

Surrounding myself with like minded heart led communities

I joined heart led business networking groups and created new friendships with people that shared common life value, goals and passions.

By letting go of perfectionism and tackling procrastination, I found freedom. I stepped into my creative purpose with renewed energy and clarity. And you can too.

Love Mel.O xo

"REVIVE" An exciting term long offering coming soon which is a heart led collab with my dear friend, business coach and breath work facilitator  or simply reach out for a chat so we can talk all things that light us up and make our hearts sing